
IDT Ephemera

Novalis Rose. Rosarium Baden im Doblhoffpark: Rosa ‘Novalis,’ Kordes 2010, gezüchtet von Tim Hermann Kordes (2004). Creative Commons Attribution–share alike, 4.0 International License.

The spirit always appears in strange, evanescent forms.”

Novalis, Pollen 22, Pollen & Fragments

Along with the high-minded essays (and now cartoons) IDT also occasionally produces scribbles. We include some of them here, because sadly, one does not struggle against dark times via the public use of reason alone. We also have to live “in dark times” as radically contingent individuals.

The dark times, it turns out, also call forth black humor, and sometimes even a bit of blue humor.

Since we don’t know anything at all about how to write fiction or poetry, these scribbles take the form of “personal essays,” or what gets called “creative nonfiction,” for lack of a better term.

We also like to think of them as “ephemera,” since they aren’t really “fragments,” and we certainly don’t think of them as “seeds” or “pollen.” Anyway, we’re allergic to pollen.