
IDT Comix

IDT Comix - In Dark Times

Story-telling though imagery dates to ancient times. However, it’s the political cartoon that’s especially of interest to us at In Dark Times. The political cartoon was born and grew up with the Age of Enlightenment. Political cartoons and political modernity are thus coeval. Benjamin Franklin’s iconic 1754 block cut “Join, or Die” is widely considered to be the first American political cartoon. The images depict the 13 colonies as sliced segments of a snake, suggesting, in a quite stark either/or, that the colonies must join together for their survival. It was published widely and helped to establish the idea of the colonies as a future American nation. And by the time of the French Revolution, the distinctly satirical, politically-biting, critique of authority form we associate with political cartoons was coming into its own in England.

In Dark Times is very much aware of the political power of art and the history of its use as a powerful propaganda tool. We are also aware of G.W.F. Hegel’s disparaging remarks about “picture thinking,” offered as a scathing critique of the empirically-minded dimwit who is incapable of thinking in concepts. Nevertheless, as the old saw teaches, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Ergo, In Dark Times presents In Dark Times Comix.

IDT Comix

The Tortuga of Austerity

In 2017 the GOP passed tax cuts that dramatically inflated the federal deficit. A year later Mitch McConnell “The Tortuga” claims the ‘disturbing’ increase was caused by excessive entitlements spending. A classic neoliberal austerity bait-and-switch.

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